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Unread 10-05-2009, 11:43 AM   #9
Bob Brown
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Thanks Destry. That explains it. Brett called the 1-800 number on the band already. Richard, Brett went back to look for his cell phone again in that field we hunted. He took a short walk through some of the patches of bush and the fence lines. There were quite a few sharptails in there. I had no idea that they would stick to the brush and not the fields. It would be fun to try them with Shine, the GSP. If I had my lab Katie with me I would have given it a go. It would be easy to push them out of the narrow strips of bush, but it wouldn't be the same without a dog.
I'm back home now, and as I typed the last sentence I heard a grouse outside my window. I looked out and five sharptails had landed just outside my window. Must be a sign. As I mentioned in Debolt I hadn't seen any of the home covey for a while. Great to see them back.
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