Thread: Scary stuff
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Unread 11-17-2023, 09:05 AM   #5
Mike of the Mountain
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I knew of this a few months ago. Dopey Joe is attempting to end-run congress by having ATF reinterpret who is considered a dealer. The antis want anyone who buys and sells less than 5 guns per year to have a FFL. The way the law is now there is no maximum/minimum number of guns one has to sell to be considered engaged in selling firearms. It only states that in order to make a profit on firearm sales you need an FFL. The Bidenistas are also trying to implement a ban on purchasing more than 1000 rounds of ammo in a week and they want you to have any ammo purchase of 50 rounds or more run through a background check and have the sales entered into an FFL's A&D book. The newest is a mandatory gun storage bill that forces you to have all your firearms in a government approved safe and gives Big Bro the authority to do house inspections to make sure you comply (more to it than just that but you get the gist). Those are JUST a few bills that the left is trying to pass. There are many more, but I won't get into them. Any firearm owner who continues to vote for (D)s and thinks they don't want your guns is delusional!
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