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Unread 11-23-2018, 01:05 PM   #7
OH Osthaus
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Originally Posted by Garry L Gordon View Post
I used to use a bell, and both of the dogs that wore them went deaf (but they were both old when they went deaf). That's certainly not conclusive, but suggestive.

as with so much of this - this is my opinion only, but I do not think we give enough thought to what a shotgun fired over their heads for several seasons does to their sensitive hearing - i expect more damage is done that way than by beepers -

i had beeper collars for years - that i ran in locator mode - i just had trouble with determining the direction of the sound - that is why i went with the gps collar - it simply says HEY dummy- your dog is 100 yards that way -

true funny story last year, i had the gps collar on Macallan (golden retriever) and was busy at the landing putting decoys and such away - cold day - when i stood up and looked around he was no where in sight - so i whistled - no answer - so i whistled again and tapped the collar - still no response - i brought up the map and it said he was a hundred and sixty or so yards away in that direction - i looked that way and laughed - walked up the hill and there he was - smarter than me - he was warm and dry in the club house where there was a fire going
"If there is a heaven it must have thinning aspen gold, and flighting woodcock, and a bird dog" GBE
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