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Unread 11-23-2018, 12:47 PM   #6
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I used to use a bell, and both of the dogs that wore them went deaf (but they were both old when they went deaf). That's certainly not conclusive, but suggestive. I now use a beeper collar that I can turn on and off remotely. Sometimes I run them on point only if the cover is is such that I can generally see them. I'm sure the more constant ringing of a bell does have a negative effect on a dog's hear (especially if a louder bell). Likewise, I have no doubt that beepers also have a negative long term effect. I have the tracking/training collars, but I don't find them as reliable in letting me know if the dog is on point, and having to look at a handheld device is not conducive to getting to a point in a timely fashion (for me, at least). I've used the beeper collar (and, yes, they do sound like a garbage truck backing up) for so long that I can tell what the dog is doing by the sound -- wether he's coming toward me or going away, and when he's about to stop. I'm sold on the beeper, but I know not everyone likes them.

I'm also convinced that when we grouse hunt in Northern Minnesota, the beeper helps keep wolves away from my dogs.
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― Jim Harrison
"'I promise you,' he said, 'on my word of honor, I won't die on the opening of the bird season.'" -- Robert Ruark (from The Old Man and the Boy)
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