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Unread 07-20-2017, 06:36 PM   #16
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I stated that I keep my unit (Alpha) simple but, I didn't share how simple.

Like others have shared, my unit displays a compass screen with an arrow that points to the dog and a number that shows his distance. It really doesn't get more simple than that. If pup goes on point (or does the drop and roll on a dead critter) the unit will send you a notification. The buttons for tone and stim are right on the front of the unit at the ready. The screens, if not locked are a real pita b/c they'll switch on you as you walk - just lock the screen and your golden.

Since it's GPS, you can set up way points, mark special landmarks, honey holes, etc etc. Further, if one gets brave enough, you can plug it into your computer and review not only a visual of both yours and the dogs tracks overlaid against a map but, also the data corresponding to the tracks. I think Gary said that was a real eye opener for him..he's right, it is. For every mile you trek, your dog does 3 to 4 miles. I'll do 15 or more miles a day myself the deserves that extra treat and a soft pillow after the hunt.

It's a very powerful tool but that doesn't mean you have to use every feature. After a short orientation period, I'd be willing to bet you'd get to feeling pretty squirrelly and a little rebellious - before you know it you'd be using several of the features that the unit offers.
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