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Unread 03-12-2016, 02:07 PM   #30
B. Dudley
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Another note is that pads can be mounted to curved stocks. Some pads are more flexible than others. I have found that the silvers pads flex pretty well. I have been able to get kick-eez pads on curved stocks also. But, sometimes, the curve in stocks is just too extreme to get the pad to pull down fully in the middle. And sometimes the location of the screw holes can be important on a curved stock. One sikvers pads, i aleays use washers that fill the entire plug hole as to allow for a more even application of pressure on the pad base. This really helps with curved stocks.

The toe and heel angles need to be roughed in while mounted on the stock since it will all change when removed.

Obviously curved stocks complicates things. And also the additon and fitting of large spurrs on a plate add to the complicstions as well.
B. Dudley
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