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Unread 12-20-2013, 05:49 PM   #24
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He's fine with it. I'll pick up the shotgun the day after Christmas.

However, I leave the following day and will be out of town until January 6th. But, it should only take a few days after my return to have something together that will help.

I'll see how it goes, but am expecting to either put together a .pdf that I can email to you, or just record the entire process with a video camera and upload/email to you the video. If you have any preference on format, pass it along and perhaps I can accommodate it.

Though I have no idea about how mechanically inclined you are, or how familiar with double guns you may be, I still commend you for your commitment to reassembling the shotgun. Honestly, it is not that difficult. While a soft jawed vice is not a requirement (like it would be on an A.H. Fox - good luck seating those hammers without one), it is certainly helpful. If you have strong hands, you can get by without one.

Happy Holidays to you and yours, and Happy New Year!

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