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Unread 07-20-2013, 03:22 PM   #9
Wild Skies
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Let's add some dollars and cents to this discussion . . .

It seems that most would agree that some alterations may yield a positive effect to the practical value of a Repro, but will create a negative effect on the monetary value. How much is the question?

Restocking, as Bill Murphy pointed out, can add to the practical (fit issues) value and aesthetics of the gun, but it surely could be argued that it would be detrimental to resale value. Same goes for refinishing. A seller would be lucky to break even and most likely would take a $500 hit, maybe more, if and when they decide to sell if making these alterations.

Whack off a skeleton butt plate to install a pad a seller of a 12 or 20-ga. Repro may realize it cost him $500 to $1000 to do so, a 28-ga. owner may see a $1500 loss.

Alter the chokes on a set of 28-ga. 28" DHE Repro barrels a seller may find out it cost him upwards of $500 of monetary value in doing so, even though it may have added a little perceived practical value to him or her.

Those are my opinions, what do you think?
Wild Skies
Since 1951
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