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Harold Lee Pickens 05-02-2019 01:08 PM

Circle of Life
5 Attachment(s)
Many were concerned that I did not go to the Southern this year, but let me assure you that I am back to normal( what ever that is.). I did not go because the best dog I have ever owned was failing, and I wasnt going to be gone when that time came.
Betty (Black Butt Betty) was the most productive dog I have ever hunted behind. She was also a real sweetheart and charmer. She would have been 15 next week, so she had a long life. Her nose was almost too good--she would be on solid point before other dogs even got birdy. On a plantation quail hunt when she was 11, the black dog handler, Moses, told the plantation owners that
" 'dat be da best lady dog ever hunted dis here plantation". Grouse were her forte.
Many of you saw her at Hausmann's, as I took her every year. She had a particular affinity for Edgar.
By breeding she was mostly Ryman, from my original setter who came from Walt Lessor's kennel.
She is buried in the back yard with daffodils and snowdrops planted on her grave. One I will never forget.

Daniel Carter 05-02-2019 01:16 PM

Sorry to hear, a beautiful dog.Glad you had 15 years with her but it is never enough.

Brett Hoop 05-02-2019 01:41 PM


I will miss her at Ernie's, she added her own charm to the place. I guess, I hope,when a Grouse Hunter's pal goes ahead, that they are scouting coverts for when we rendezvous once again.

Rich Anderson 05-02-2019 03:11 PM

I have had the pleasure of hunting with Betty and she was a truly great dog and one that will be missed. You did the right thing by staying home to be with her, you don't leave family when they are sick.

All of us here feel your pain and heartache, it's a tough pill to swallow to be sure but we do it because we love our companions. Betty will forever hunt the grouse coverts in the U.P. with you.

Dean Romig 05-02-2019 03:23 PM

Harold - we're really going to miss Betty but we'll remember her presence in the corner of the meadow at Ernie's as a welcoming sign whenever we arrived or came back from shooting or visiting the tents. She was such a sweetheart!


Eric Eis 05-02-2019 04:13 PM

Man Harold I'm sorry. She was a great dog.

scott kittredge 05-02-2019 04:47 PM

I am sorry for the loss of such a great dog. I miss my lab every day and its been 3 years in march. As i am sending this i cant look out my window and see where he rest on a little knoll.

Robert Rambler 05-02-2019 04:47 PM

Harold, I remember her from Hausmann's, she was a real sweetheart.
So sorry to hear of your lose. They leave us way too soon, but the memories they leave us last a life time.

Sara LeFever 05-02-2019 05:07 PM

I am so very sorry to hear about Betty. I had the pleasure of meeting her at Hausmann's last year.
Keeping you in my thoughts.

Daryl Corona 05-02-2019 05:54 PM

I'm really sorry buddy. As dog owners we all know that day will come when we have to relieve their pain. I'm gonna go hug my two right now.

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