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Dean Romig 03-15-2017 07:02 PM

Upcoming Southern SXS PGCA Exhibition Theme
Every year it seems the L.C. Smith Collectors present a very well-thought-out display of the nicest examples of the kinds of guns they cherish and espouse while we, the Parker Gun Collectors Association, have a number of guns in various grades, gauges, and states of condition on any number of tables here and there within the tent. Some even have tags of one sort or another indicating they might be bought.:shock: (Guns for sale within the tent commonly shared by our two collector groups are strictly forbidden according to the agreement we have with Bill Kempffer.)

But this year we have planned ahead and we have a theme for the Parkers we hope to exhibit. We need PGCA Members who plan to attend the Southern to bring their nicest or favorite guns which will support and exemplify the theme we have chosen, and we need about thirty (30) such guns....

This year's display theme will be "The ABC's of Parker Collecting" and, you guessed it - the display guns will be your Grade A's, your Grade B's, and your Grade C's. They don't need to be your pristine 98+% 'safe queens' or anything you just can't show around just yet.... but please bring your nice examples of these grades of Parkers. Any gauge - hammerless or hammer guns - long or short - fat or thin - anything that can be used in the Parker display - a display that we can be proud of and that will bring people into our tent to see these fabulous Parkers and to maybe open their eyes to the wonderful world of Parker collecting.

Each gun displayed should include a printed description of the gun - a PGCA Research Letter would be fine (or a copy of one), or a sheet indicating why a particular gun is special, such as by whom it may have been ordered, or what special features it may have.

Please contact James "Jimmy" Hall ( ) ( or by PM ) to let him know you intend to bring a gun or guns for our display. Jimmy will also fill you in on any details which may have been overlooked in this announcement. We plan on having a nicer display than our tent-mates this year - something to be proud of. Please support this cause.


Brian Dudley 03-16-2017 07:41 PM

Thanks Dean.

Though it does not work into your ABC theme, i will have with me for display a Parker gun that is very special and truely a piece of Parker history.

Dean Romig 03-16-2017 08:17 PM

Absolutely bring it Brian.


FRANK HALSEY 03-17-2017 01:52 AM

Are the guns insured as long as they are on display?

Dean Romig 03-17-2017 10:19 AM

The insurance policy covering the PGCA only covers guns and other items actually belonging to the PGCA and does not cover property belonging to members even displaying at a PGCA event.

Members should check their own insurance policies. Many will cover such personal property while some might not. Some will require notification that your guns will be displayed away from your home or office. Some, like Eastern Insurance Co. where many of us have our guns insured, cover our guns no matter where we have them or where and how we are hunting with them. All they require is a listing of all of our guns we wish them to insure.

In short, check your insurance policies or get in touch with Eastern to get them insured beforehand.

That being said, we have never had a single instance of damage or loss through theft in all the years our members have been displaying them either at the Southern or elsewhere. If you don't want to leave your guns overnight in the display ( Bill Kempffer employs a very highly regarded security company who are on site throughout the night.) you can take them with you when you leave the grounds for the day if you wish.


Dean Romig 03-31-2017 08:09 AM

Back to the top because we still need more folks to contact Jim Hall about the guns they plan to bring for the ABC's of Parker Collecting Exhibition.

Remember, we hope to have a display this year that eclipses any and all others in the Parker/Smith tent, and hopefully anywhere on the Deep River grounds.


Craig Larter 03-31-2017 04:38 PM

I would love to participate and display my ABC Parkers but i spend the late winter months in Florida. Maybe a earlier heads up regarding the display theme would help us snow birds.

Dean Romig 03-31-2017 04:48 PM

Craig, I think there's time enough to get back home and be back to the Southern in time to put your wonderful examples of fine Parkers in the display. Where are your priorities man? :corn:


Craig Larter 03-31-2017 05:24 PM

Dean: After decades of waiting for Spring to come in western NY I decided to retreat to sunny Florida for March and April taking in the Southern on the way north. I think I have my priorities correct, sunshine and 80 every day. How's the weather in Andover??

Dean Romig 03-31-2017 05:55 PM

:dh:.........snowing.....still snowing.:banghead:


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