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charlie cleveland 09-03-2016 09:43 PM

opening day in mississippi
our opening day began with breakast at 5.00 guest for this hunt got to fulton aon friday at 10.30 am from georgia yall folks know him as wayne gorez a member from the parker club here...we ate at 5.00am then we went and loaded up our gear and the guns in my old s-10 chevy .got to the field before daylight wayne was shooting one of the niceest 10 ga webley hammer guns you ever wanted to look at . i was shooting the 1894 remington 10 ga with the 19 gr red dot loads.i think wayne was shooting the same load..anyway we only shot about 9 times each could not hit a bull in the rear with a base fiddlebut we did manage to get 3 doves 2 for wayne and 1 for me...birds were not in numbers like they should have been...the young guys were shooting good my grandson cole had a chance to go to texas dove hunting we got a up date on his dove hunt early this morning..he said them doves in texas were as big as chickens we had a good laugh.. we quit shooting about 9.30 no birds flying it was hot by then about 91. we then loaded everthing up and went to our dinner area the spring....we finally got the vittles on the stoves and laid out on the tables..this was the layout..we had the stick balona over the grille the doves deep fried-we had chicken strips- french fries- elk- deer-poodle sop gravey-barbque chicken legs- and other things...tommorrows menu is fried squirl......aftereating till we could hold no more we sat andtalked about our guns old hunts of the past and even remembered our old comrades that have gone to better hunting grounds...about 2.30 we headed back to the the field at 3.00 the birds began to fly again slowly..wayne used his hammergun that was a wc scott 12 ga lord was that a beautiful gun and really hanndled well it felt like a 16 ga in your hands... i shot the 20 ga parker v grade...we hit a little better with them at 2 doves each...not a lot of birds that evening but more than this morning it was not really one of our better opening days but sure beat working....i think we could have killed more doves if we had of quit looking at waynes fine ended another dove hunt a good one it made my day when wayne said he really enjoyed his mississippi hunt....charlie

Destry L. Hoffard 09-03-2016 10:37 PM

Sounds like a good time was had by all.

Gerald McPherson 09-04-2016 02:20 PM

Hi Charlie: I should have came with him. I went to a place that was fixed very well but the birds left with the hurricane wind. Wonderful shoots for the last 12 years. We did not see one dove all day. I am hearing they left many fields Thursday. Oh well I will get them next time. Gerald. PS Calhoun Georgia.
Anyone else in North Ga. have any luck?

wayne goerres 09-04-2016 04:03 PM

I had a blast. The Clevelands are wonderful host. The trip started out a little ruff. My GPS took me to the cemetery in back of Charlies place. Charlie hadn't mentioned anything about bringing a shovel so I quickly deduced that it wasn't the correct place. We both got a good laugh out of that. The doves were flying a little slow but it didn't matter. We were both having a good time talking guns and old cars. Our attention spans must be a little short because the doves kept sneaking up on us. By the time we noticed a dove it was half way to the next county. We shot anyway. The guns I took hadn't seen the light of day in I don't know when. Might have helped if I had spent some time at the range (may be not). May have to see if I can find some squirrel's in a couple of weeks. They don't fly away from you.

charlie cleveland 09-05-2016 06:02 PM

got up early this morning it was warm but not hot till about 8.00 ...i done well this morning i only shot 5 birds but shot a double with the little 20 ga parker vh...first time on doves ...birds were few i heard very little shooting around me..i was the only person on our field..left at 8.00 am it had become very warm..i had breakfast then grabbed my tractor and chainsaw and went an cut a few trees out of a road of my shooting houses had been blown down and damaged pretty good.the top was a total loss so put a big fiber glass sheet over it..then i drove 4 steel fence post at the wasp every were i will have to go back to clean up the debris between getting hot and the wasp i left till next home at 3.00pm had to fire up the grill and cooked hamburgers and hotdogs..ate too much now dreading to go back to work tommorrow...charlie

Stephen Hodges 09-07-2016 06:57 PM

Charlie, your food sounds very interesting, especially from a "Yankees" perspective:)

charlie cleveland 09-07-2016 09:55 PM

when i came in from work there were several doves on the power lines..i may get to hunt them doves again very soon...the food at our dove dinners is always super especially the bollonia....charlie

wayne goerres 09-08-2016 08:25 PM

The deer meat and elk meat not to mention the chicken and sausage aren't bad either. If you hear them boys from Ms cant cook someone is either a lyre or doesn't know what they are talking about. I think I may have gained another pound.

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