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Phillip Carr 08-10-2021 06:17 AM

Ejector hammers
4 Attachment(s)
I have mentioned this in another post but wanted to post in the Restoration area in order to make it easier for someone to find if they find themselves in need of an ejector hammer.
We are very fortunate to Have Joe Breda making replacement ejector hammers both Left and Right sides.
I received a right hammer from Joe recently and had it installed. The fit and function was perfect.
If you need a replace the ejector hammer don’t hesitate to give Joe a call.

Joe Breda

Dean Romig 08-10-2021 08:04 AM

Phil, was that for an original Parker or a Reproduction?


Brian Dudley 08-10-2021 08:41 AM

Phil can confirm, But by looking at the various parts, it is a repro.

Phillip Carr 08-10-2021 09:33 AM

Yes it’s a Reproduction or as Joe refers to them “Skeuse Parker”.

Dean Romig 08-10-2021 09:58 AM

That is becoming a commoner and commoner problem on Repros. It happened to one of mine and unfortunately was before Joe was doing his reverse engineering. It's usually the right ejector hammer that breaks first. Unfortunately the engineers at Kodensha thought they could take a shortcut in producing this part.


Daniel Carter 08-10-2021 02:23 PM

Is there a way that the ejectors can be disabled without major surgery? The reason i ask is that i never eject the shells, rather put my right hand behind them and pocket them. It would save me having this problem down the road.

Brian Dudley 08-10-2021 04:05 PM

Removal of a couple of screws. That is the easiest way.

joe breda 08-10-2021 04:26 PM

Thank You Phil Carr for the kudos and your post, much appreciated. And. To answer a few other questions that are in this post:
Yes, I reverse engineered the hammers from a Skeuse Parker.
I believe as a whole, Skeuse Parker’s were reverse engineered from one of the last made Remington Parker’s, so I’ve been told ???
With that said, the hammers I’ve been remanufacturing will fit in the Skeuse Parker’s with little to NO fitting, and probably also the later Remington Parker’s ?
They will also fit in other older Parker’s, but may need more fitting by a competent gun smith that’s familiar with Parker’s and especially familiar with the Parker Ejector system ! ! ! But, that would be the case fitting any salvaged part to an older Parker because the manufacturing process back then was not CNC Machined, as the Skeuse Parker’s were, and also the hammers that I’ve remanufactured were CNC Machined ! Hence, a more REPEATABLE precision machining process, and product ! ! !
So, ...the hammers that I’ve remanufactured, may need more fitting into older Parker’s ?
It is also true that I’ve provided way more EHammers to the folks with the Skeuse Parker’s.
There could be a few reasons for that.
1, there are a lot of them out there, (and all were Ejector guns) and most importantly probably used more, either in the field or shooting Clays games, compared to older Parkers with ejectors ?
2. It’s also true that the right Ejector fails most often, probably due to it being used most often ?
3. I also believe there was/is a very minor flaw in the Reproduction process designed Skeuse Parker’s concerning the EHammers where the “L” shaped main sear, meets the hammer body. It originally had a sharp inside corner ! ! !
Most that know mechanical design know that is a weak stress point when there is a sharp inside corner ! And THAT is exactly where they have all failed, that I have seen ! It’s inherently a bad design area, and sooner or later it is going to fail at that point. It’s NOT a matter of if,... it is a matter of when, it’s going to fail, in my humble opinion?!
However, there is one caveat, to that !
That flaw may have been caught during the production run of the Skeuse Parkers, and therefore corrected in later runs ?
So I have to say I’m not 100% sure the flaw is in ALL the Skeuse Parkers ? ? ? It is possible it was addressed, but not really confident that it was ?
However, I did incorporate a small radius to the “L” Shaped inside corner where it meets the EHammer body to eliminate that stress point, to a much greater degree of robustness !
I also instruct when installing the remanufactured hammer, to break the corner of the floating double sear part on the edge area that interacts with the main sear. A few swipes of a file in that area gives clearance for the main sear to swing freely, and not bind where the incorporated corner radius now is on the hammers .
Lastly, I wanted to see, if I fitted a hammer to my Skeuse Parker, if it would fit Phil’s Parker with NO or little fitting needed.
By hearing Phil’s description on how the install went, gives me confidence that if I fit a EHammer to my Skeuse Parker, there will be a high possibility that it will fit all other Skeuse Parker’s with No, to little fitting.
(Thank you Phil Carr for working with me on this project)
By fitting these EHammers to my Parker, I have learned where the fitting points are. With that said,...I can now quickly and rapidly address those areas with a few swipes of a file, hopefully saving folks probably hours of time and especially, aggravation!
“Anyone”,.. whoever so Bravely dived into, and tried to troubleshoot and repair the Parker Ejector system will more than likely tell you, it’s a bucket of snakes to work on, Most Times ! ! !
Hence I strongly advise folks to seek out a competent Gunsmith, that’s Familiar with Parker Shotguns when addressing any Ejector issues in any of the Parkers !
I recently devised a new manufacturing plan to make a better product. I had stopped production for a few years because the older manufacturing plan was too complex, very intricate, delicate and was difficult to manufacture, and a Royal PITA ! .
After many manufacturing design and machine fixturing fabrications, hours. The new manufacturing plan made it more feasible to machine and produce these EHammers once again .
Hence,... I now can provide 15 right hand Ejector-Hammers and 5 Left hand, if needed, that I have in stock. Just Sayin !

Dean Romig 08-10-2021 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by joe breda (Post 340502)
So, ...the hammers that I’ve remanufactured, may need more fitting into older Parker’s ?
It is also true that I’ve provided way more EHammers to the folks with the Skeuse Parker’s.
There could be a few reasons for that.
1, there are a lot of them out there, (and all were Ejector guns) and most importantly probably used more, either in the field or shooting Clays games, compared to older Parkers with ejectors ?
2. It’s also true that the right Ejector fails most often, probably due to it being used most often ?
3. I also believe there was/is a very minor flaw in the Reproduction process designed Skeuse Parker’s concerning the EHammers where the “L” shaped main sear, meets the hammer body. It originally had a sharp inside corner ! ! !
Most that know mechanical design know that is a weak stress point when there is a sharp inside corner ! And THAT is exactly where they have all failed, that I have seen ! It’s inherently a bad design area, and sooner or later it is going to fail at that point. It’s NOT a matter of if,... it is a matter of when, it’s going to fail, in my humble opinion?!
However, there is one caveat, to that !
That flaw may have been caught during the production run of the Skeuse Parkers, and therefore corrected in later runs ?
So I have to say I’m not 100% sure the flaw is in ALL the Skeuse Parkers ? ? ? It is possible it was addressed, but not really confident that it was ?
However, I did incorporate a small radius to the “L” Shaped inside corner where it meets the EHammer body to eliminate that stress point, to a much greater degree of robustness !

Parker Brothers learned of the flawed acute right angle concept in their earlier Lifter frames where the breech face met the water tables and so often cracked the frame at that point. A small change in machining the frame with a radius there alleviated the problem. And Parker Brothers carried the radiused right angle concept that they learned from the Lifter frames forward to the ejector hammers where they incorporated it there as well. The engineers in Kodensha thought they could shortcut that process.


Louis Rotelli 08-10-2021 06:35 PM

I made the ejector hammers years ago and corrected the original flaw. I once posted that out of the 50 pairs of ejector hammers I originally made all but 6 went into parker repros.
Tells you something about the quality steel the original Parkes used

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