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George Davis 12-12-2017 06:38 PM

Mearns Quail Hunting
Spent yesterday chasing Mearns Mearns Quail Sonita-Patagonia area. First two observations are extremely warm for this time of year (mid to high 70's) and the country is really dry. Looks like a continuation of last years sub-par Mearns population. Met several friends for dinner and they had been hunting since opening day and claimed they had worked hard for limited number of coveys and low number of birds in each covey (4-6 birds).
Going for a full week starting on 17th and be able to giving everyone a better update.
PS: According to everyone I've talked too the Desert Quail population is up.

Phillip Carr 12-12-2017 09:09 PM

Our very dry last 3 1/2 months will test the best of dogs. Scenting conditions are not very good, thats when a dog experienced hunting this terrane for Mearns are worth their weight in gold.
Every guide with a half broke dog is booked up and out trying to find birds and take a clients money. Pretty sad for the guy that has saved for years for a quality hunt and so many are just taking them for a hard walk.

Rich Anderson 12-13-2017 01:25 PM

Sounds like I dodged a bullet by having our booking screwed up. As they say everything happens for a reason.

Phillip Carr 12-13-2017 01:34 PM

Many will find the hunting tough this year. I’m headed out for a quick hunt with a 24 gauge I want to try .

Wes Stueber 12-13-2017 11:01 PM

I'm heading to s/e NM the middle of January for Scaled quail. I haven't been out there for a few years so it will be nice to be in that country once again. I'm sure my VH 16 ga. O frame will be ready?

Will let you all know how we do when we return. (If it's decent, I MAY have to extend my stay?)

Good hunting!

Rich Anderson 12-14-2017 09:21 AM

With 8 inches of fresh snow a walk in the desert with a dog and a Parker sounds pretty good right about now. I would much rather walk behind the dog than the snow blower:)

George Davis 12-24-2017 10:39 AM

Mearns Quail Update: Just returned from 4 additional days of Mearns Quail Hunting in the Patagonia area. (To Phil's point 4 outfitters based in Patagonia and another in Sonita). Found quail but you really had to work for them, covey size tended to be on the 6-8 numbers and they were in the higher canyons. Problem for lots of hunters hiking into the higher draws and canyons. Our dog work was outstanding however some members of our group should be working on their shooting skills/footwork while trying to keep their balance on mobile rocks and/or not sliding down hill.
Wednesday night's fire pit party was wonderful as we all shared an example of our shotgun collections. We had a vary diverse group of hunters and side x side shotguns (Scottish, English, Ithacas, LeFevers, L. C. Smiths, Parkers, Spanish etc..) We did allow one over and under 1937 Superposed, 28 inch barrels with appropriate number of triggers 2 was shared!!! I believe I'm number 200 on the waiting list if John decides to sell this gun.

PS: Several of the group had stopped off in New Mexico for some Scale Quail hunting and had glowing reports on the number of birds.
Will be back in Patagonia next week for couple days of hunting and in New Mexico after the Las Vegas Show.

Bruce Day 12-24-2017 02:41 PM

I well remember quail hunting for Gambels in southern AZ and around Prescott to the north of the Phoenix valley and then around Globe and Ft Huachuca when I lived out there. I had intended to get back out to sw NM and se AZ this year but then I lost a fine dog in August was down to one and then I’ve have so much time in the fields this season that I have not made it down. And fine quail hunting out on the southern plains. I’m back to two dogs now and trying to find time.

Wes Stueber 12-24-2017 05:58 PM

I'll let you know how it is in NM next month, George. If it's as good as I hear it is, I may stay awhile longer? We used to hunt in s/e AZ for years when the quail hunting was spectacular. The dogs hated to head back worse than we did, I think...!
All the best in the New Year to you!

George Davis 01-12-2018 10:41 AM

Got home last night from Patagonia after three days Mearns Quail Hunting. It's been tough this year, only 4-6 birds per covey, dry weather, usually warm and still way to many outfitters/guide services. My brother try not to harvest any birds if the covey is less than six birds. We found birds and bigger coverys but it required shoe leather and good dogs. My young American Brittany is really turning out to be a quality Mearns Dog, she is laying on the sofa with two sore right as I type. I be down in Patagonia the last two days of the season if any of you are still chasing Mearns.
PS: Wednesday night at the Stage Stop Inn Restaurant we held our "Show and Tell" gathering. We encouraged everyone to come and have dinner and bring at least one gun (several brought 4 or 5) and share it with the group. We had 30 hunters for dinner and a wonderful selection of "toys"! If you like English or Scottish guns you would have been in the right place.
The stars of the show were a cased match pair of Harkom 16 gauge weighing 5 pounds 3 ozs, second place was a match pair of Charles Lancaster's wrist breakers. I took a Esau Akrill 12 gauge Jones underlever and a Field's action 450 3 1/4 BPE.

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