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Richard Flanders 09-21-2021 09:38 AM

grouse hunt
3 Attachment(s)
I actually got out for a grouse walk at a friends moose camp on the Wood River south of Fairbanks last week. They already had their moose hanging in town so we were just sprucing camp up and stacking and re-tarping lumber piles. I took some time and my 28ga Repro for a walk along the riverside trails where I've found a goodly number of ruffies in the past, encountering bear, wolf, coyote and moose tracks along the way and finding a gorgeous Shaggy Mane that was, unfortunately, too far along for the frying pan. I actually kicked one ruffie up, but missed the shot in heavy timber. I again considered it a successful hunt because I figured I knew where to look for birds there and I found one exactly where I thought I might. Every evening we were there the sandhill cranes flew over low by the hundreds, looking for a gravel bar to spend the night on. The racket was astonishing and magic at the same time. We also took a walk with the two golden retrievers on a trail that leads back to some moose tree stands to check out the low bush cranberry supply. Along the trail I noticed that the dogs were sniffing numerous 'marks' and making their own. When we got back to camp and were sitting around the fire drinking beer, the air was suddenly filled with nearby and constant wolf howling that went on for well over an hour, something I've never heard before. I'm pretty sure that they went down that same trail and detected the interlopers that had marked their territory and were out looking for revenge. Their howling was a call to arms and an attempt to draw the invaders out so they could kill them. Normally dogs freak out and react strongly to wolves howling, but our goldens seemed to not care much. Had they run off, as is more normal, they very likely would not have come back. That pack traveled the entire trail for a half mile down to the river and back, howling all the way, with the cranes chortling overhead. What a great evening it was! I love this place!

Garry L Gordon 09-21-2021 08:20 PM

What a great day!

keavin nelson 09-23-2021 12:07 PM

So, you carry buckshot for the wolves, or something else?

Richard Flanders 09-23-2021 12:14 PM

If I'm really concerned I carry a 3" .44spec with hot loads. If I carry a 12 ga, which is rare there, I carry a few buck loads. I was carrying a 28ga my last hunt out there and didn't have anything heavier than #6. I never worry about the wolves.... just the bears, and really only the grizzlies.

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