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Andrew Sacco 04-08-2024 03:43 PM

Johnny House
Posting this in the dog forum since this ultimately is about helping our dogs. I have a friend who will have spare quail to part with it. I'd like to buy/build a Johnny House for 15-20 of them I can use to train my setter on my property. I think I'm making this more difficult than it has to be. I do have concerns with bears, foxes, fishers..etc. Anyone have advice or photos of what they use for Bob's? Thank you!

Garry L Gordon 04-08-2024 04:40 PM

Andy, I assume you have a good set of plans that you are happy with. There are always vermin that think penned quail to be tasty, but we have no bears in MO. 'Possums and coons can be pretty tenacious.

Guys around here also swear by pigeons for training (obviously, homers). They are easier to "call back" once they acclimate to your pigeon house. They are tough and can take lots of abuse, and always fly well.

It's a lot of work to keep quail in a Johnny house (I tried years ago and gave up -- too labor intensive for a guy with just a few bird dogs). Now, I just buy quail when I need them and plant/release them on an as needs basis. I do have a portable call back pen, and it does bring the birds back to the area of the pen, and, on occasion, they'll re-enter the pen.

Good luck with your endeavor. Let me know how it goes.

Andrew Sacco 04-08-2024 04:45 PM

Will do Garry. Yeah I wonder if free quail is a blessing or a curse : )

Kevin McCormack 04-08-2024 05:01 PM

Quail and trapped wild pigeons are usually the last things to go in a local livestock auction. Subject to availability they are usually not expensive, relatively speaking. Several people going in together on a lot is an advantage in price and volume if you have pens or coops to keep them. When I had dogs I used them for maintenance training and could usually get a few surplus birds from the NAVHDA training days (quail and/or chukars) or the aftermath of nearby clandestine live bird shoots.
Coincidentally enough, the state Dept. of Ag and Farm Bureau both had good construction plans for DIY coops, holding pens, and the like associated with keeping live birds in smaller numbers (e.g., not poultry houses).

Benny Keith 04-10-2024 09:26 PM

Put recall or house inside chain link dog pen. Birds can get through and keep out varmints. That’s why I have mine for last 20 years

Bruce Hering 04-14-2024 05:51 PM

JUst a note.... Never take all of the quail out of the Johnny House, There needs to be birds in there to "call back" those you released when you are done

Kenny Graft 05-03-2024 06:55 AM

Can pigeons and quail share the same pen if separated. Does anyone have plans for building one, I have a 10x10 dog kennel to convert.

Dean Romig 05-03-2024 08:28 AM

Keep in mind a weasel or even a mink can get through chain link fencing.


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