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Jim Snell 06-08-2011 11:13 PM

Considering restoration
I inherited Ser #6913 from my father, who got it from his father, neither of which ever used it. I have had it in dry storage now for several years. It has some pretty extensive pitting, and is missing a firing pin. I'm interested in knowing a little bit more about the background of the gun, and wondering if there is anything special I either should or should not do in the process of restoration.
To be clear, it has sentimental value, and my intent is not to sell it, and while I would like to be able to fire it, it is certainly not a requirement for me.

David Long 06-09-2011 12:46 AM

Made in 1876 12 ga 30 inch barrels it is a lifter gun with a pistol grip hope this helps

Jim Snell 06-09-2011 12:59 AM

The pistol grip part helps. Most of the rest I was able to get with a bit of research. I knew that parker bros shotguns were a bit of an item, but I only recently started learning more... Really my interest lies more towards preserving what's here though. Like, will I mess anything up if I take it apart and clean it like any other shotgun?

Thanks for the help David!

Marion Wethington 06-09-2011 09:14 AM

Restoration companies
I have my father's Parker shotgun which I believe was given to him by his father. Both family members are no longer living so I have no age history. I emailed the Parker Bros Makers by going on their website but I have had no reply from them. They seemed to be the best choice in complete restoration according to my research. Are they no longer in business?

Dean Romig 06-09-2011 10:50 AM

Marion, some Parker shotguns, though they show signs of use and wear, are best left untouched unless they are really beat up. A certain amount of "patina" is often better than a restoration.
Show us some pictures and we can advise you as to how best to maintain the value of your family Parker. We can also suggest several other preferred restoration specialists.

Bill Murphy 06-09-2011 11:16 AM

Marion, Parker Brothers Makers is a company that does not specialize in repairing or refinishing Parkers, regardless of what is claimed on the website. Tell us the serial number of your Parker and we will suggest alternatives for work on it.

Marion Wethington 06-10-2011 09:05 AM

Thank you Chilled Shot and Bill for your quick reply which is certainly more than I got from Parker Bros Makers with a full phone voice mail and no email reply. With such an elaborate website, it makes me wonder what their real MO is. I'll certainly steer clear of that bunch although it appears I have no other choice.
From what I've been able to gather, this is a B series side by side 20 gauge from 1910. I don't have a digital camera for a quick photo but I can't make out the serial number. I do recognize a good 'aged' patina on any antique but in my opinion, this one is past that. I would certainly appreciate any restoration specialists should I decide to go that route. I'll take word of mouth over a google search anyday.

Dean Romig 06-10-2011 09:21 AM

Marion, in the absence of decent camera may I suggest you have it examined by a Parker collector to discuss the advisability (or inadvisability) of restoring the gun.

Where do you live? Maybe we can suggest someone whom you can trust.

Marion Wethington 06-10-2011 12:52 PM

Thanks Dean. I am in the Piedmont area of NC, between Charlotte and Greensboro.

Dean Romig 06-10-2011 10:39 PM

Is there anyone who can recommend someone in North Carolina who can help Marion in assessing his Parker's condition and the advisability of restoring it of keeping it in it's current condition?

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