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davidmccomb 05-18-2016 09:46 PM

Grade 5 hammer 10 ga
3 Attachment(s)
I inherited this gun and have no family members interested in guns. Time to let her go. I asked what it might be worth back in 2013 ...maybe up to $8-$10k. Where would be a good place to market this gun ....see attached pictures.

George M. Purtill 05-18-2016 09:53 PM

I think I would put it at a high end auction house. Many will differ on which ones but Julias, Amoskeag, Rock Island are very good. There are many lesser known but good houses.
I would talk to at least 2.
And I would ignore the many PMs you will receive from bottom feeders.

Craig Larter 05-19-2016 06:18 AM

Nice old gun. The auction route is definitely the simplest approach the only down side is you would pay a 15-20% sellers commission. The buyer also pays a 15% commission which may be reflected in a lower hammer price. Another alternative is to join the PGCA and put the gun up for sale on the members forum. Your gun is classified as an antique so no FFL dealers need to be involved in the transaction so you can ship directly to the buyer. I am quit confident you would find a buyer on the PGCA forum and you would only need to invest in a membership thereby saving auction commissions.

George M. Purtill 05-19-2016 06:24 AM

That is good advice from Craig.

David Dwyer 05-19-2016 06:50 AM

I also agree with Craig. I would also consider bringing it to one of the Parker gatherings so people can actually see the gun and make an offer. We have two this fall and then the best off all next April. A good auction house can attract good money for the gun but 30% of it goes in their pocket, not yours.

Angel Cruz 05-19-2016 06:59 AM

[QUOTE=George M. Purtill;195557
And I would ignore the many PMs you will receive from bottom feeders.[/QUOTE]

Man, that's a wide statement to make on this board. I cannot think of a member that I would consider as a bottom feeder. If I had the cash I would send him a PM.

George M. Purtill 05-19-2016 08:21 AM

Angel I certainly would never consider you a bottomfeeder.
However , sending a PM to a non-PGCA member who posts about a family heirloom attempting to buy said heirloom violates the very first rule that our webmaster posted:

Only in the closed PCGA Members Section is Buying and Selling vintage shotguns allowed. If you want to sell your family Parker - or ANY Parker or firearm - on this site then you MUST join the PGCA first! (Click here to join the PGCA - it's instantaneous and painless...)

Dave is a Forum Associate who is not allowed to use the Forum to sell guns. We should not be indirectly if not directly violating our own Forum rules.

Gary Carmichael Sr 05-19-2016 09:08 AM

It seems to be a nice grade 5 T/L, The price depends on many factors that most of the guys here know about, barrels being number one, Was the gun ordered by someone that was a shooter in the day or famous?, What attributes does the gun have over say another grade 5? more engraving? signed by the engraver? Your price will depend on how motivated the prospective buyer is! Personally I would join the PGCA put it in the for sale section and if it did not sell I would put it with a large auction house, The woods are not full of people willing to shell out large sums for these old guns, that's why I would use a large auction house to get the most exposure, Gary

todd allen 05-19-2016 12:26 PM

Dave, another route you might consider. Get some low pressure ammo going, and go out and shoot the old gal.
You will likely fall in love with the Parker Gun. It happened to me about 30 years back.

Eric Eis 05-19-2016 03:55 PM

An other thought that no one has mentioned, consign the gun to a high end dealer, with a 10 to 15% commission, you set the price and he will call you with any offers under that price. Trust me I went this route and I could not be happier. pm me if you want some dealers names that will take care you and not the auction houses bottomline.....

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