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krishamilton 01-27-2011 08:20 AM

to restore or not to restore
hello to all the fellow Parker Gun devotees.

i was listening to a radio program on the CBC yesterday morning about the Canadian government funding the restoration of the Bluenose II, or rather *secretive* demolition and rebuild of the ship. Im guessing the government didnt make the project public for the sake of the controversy it would bring.
Once the ship is finished it will look more like the original Bluenose 1 not the Bluenose II.. they said. They interviewed the editor from the magazine The Wooden Boat and his opinion of the project was that if even the rudder is salvaged and nothing else is original then it should still be called the Blusenose 1, 2, 3 or whatever and it still contains the spirit of the original ship.

While listening to this program i could not help but compare the discussions on whether to restore a Parker shotgun or not and its over all value.

I have a parker shotgun that not only needs a restoration but *mechanical repair.
Im thinking if im going to go ahead and fix the innards why not the outside as well.

i'll add a few pictures of my Parker

...its nothing fancy but suits my needs.

Top lever is broken, im going to spot weld and file that down to put the barrels back on-face, and im going to fit a new buttstock, something would fit the original. and i was thinking about re-bluing.

Since ive never completely disassembled a receiver is there an online guide. i have proper screwdrivers.


Jim Akins 01-27-2011 12:40 PM

It appears to be a VH #2 frame, poorly restocked. Almost anything you do to it will help it, if you need a top lever, I probably have one, no charge. PM your address or email.

Jim A.

Bill Murphy 01-27-2011 01:34 PM

I'm missing that broken top lever in the pictures.

krishamilton 01-27-2011 01:41 PM

I meant to say top lever spring... I have one on order now

Jim A I appreciate the gesture, however not nessesary.

Right now I'm just looking for any advice, maybe something to not over look.
I've been readingthwse forums for some time and find them to be a wealth of knowledge


Jack Cronkhite 01-27-2011 11:21 PM

Have a look HERE

pages 264 to 275 go through disassembly reassembly

Here's a couple more pics

I thought there was a FAQ about this but I can't find it.

When you remove the floor plate by tapping it lightly with a wood dowel or brass punch, do so over a towel and not from very high. Many a trip and trip spring has become subject of a frantic floor search unless care is taken. :eek:

Robin Lewis 01-28-2011 08:55 AM


There was an FAQ that had an answer that pointed off to a google book, the same one that your "HERE" link points to. I removed it because the link no longer works. I tried your "HERE" link today and it fails too. Sorry about that but I have no control on the other guys links.

Jack Cronkhite 01-28-2011 12:03 PM

Have a look HERE

Does the HERE link fail for everyone?? It does still open for me. Cyber space is such a fun place. :)

Robin Lewis 01-28-2011 12:10 PM

:throw:Now it works! I'll restore the FAQ, sorry about that.

Jack Cronkhite 01-28-2011 12:34 PM

I'm just relieved to know that there really was an FAQ that addressed this. Sometimes the memory link in the old brain fails or it recalls things that never were. :) A rotten affliction that. I'll be most annoyed when the day comes that I can't quite recall exactly where that great rooster habitat was and how to get there. It can happen. My good friend/hunting partner of many years had that happen when we were out a couple years back. He was genuinely surprised that, when I drove off in a direction that he was sure was quite wrong, we did end up at the right spot - confirmed by roosters in the bag.

krishamilton 01-29-2011 12:20 PM

thanks for the replies.

i was also wondering if the ejector was supposed to shoot the empty shells out of my parker. right now after i break the barrels open and reload the shells just get pushed out .. not thrown out... is this normal or is there a spring problem of some sort ??

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