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charlie cleveland 08-07-2010 11:26 PM

how did we let things get this way
today i went to the feed store to get me some wheat for my deer plots. a bag of wheat was 6.50... the owner said that wheat was going up i replied i guess that the dove hunters was making it go up...he says that was not it. he says that the chinese had a bad crop year some where and they were causing wheat to go up..what has happened to the american people are we gonna set back and watch our lives be run by the chinse. i will not be buying wheat if i know it was sold to us by the chinese. i guess im just getting fed up withall the folks over charging the people of the US...... CHARLIE

Robin Lewis 08-08-2010 12:10 AM

The news the other day said Russia had a very bad drought and lost a huge wheat crop, it may be that the Chinese lost theirs too? If they didn't produce their crop, they would be buying our production and driving our price up. Good old supply and demand.

Dave Fuller 08-08-2010 12:14 AM


Ed Blake 08-08-2010 08:57 AM

How did we let things get this way? That's a good question. How did the PGCA Forum become a blog for ill-informed rants about commodity prices and international relations?

Ed Blake 08-08-2010 09:04 PM

You've done it again Francis: a string of non sequiturs strung together by punctuation marks. From Sarah Brady to spontaneous combustion to the 1st Amendment all in one breath, and you worked in a BHE to keep it legal. Astounding.

Francis Morin 08-08-2010 10:16 PM

Maybe that's "Nun Sequesters?""
After all, I was raised a Catholic laddy- Non sounds more like the way the Frenchies say "No"-- Let's all chill out a bit- nothing we can do about the drought and fires in the USSR that are destroying the wheat crop- maybe a tot of Virginia Gentleman or George Dickel-- (rocks, water back for me)-- life is way too short to get into a micturation derby here-:whistle::whistle:

Mike Shepherd 08-09-2010 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Francis Morin (Post 22363)
And we all treasure the Second amendment- let's be charitable to ALL our PGCA members here and remember also the First amendment too- as long as the posted rules for language and behavior are followed by all, no topic that even remotely touches Parkers should be Verbotten- IMO!!:bigbye:

The First Amendment precludes the federal government from suppressing free speech. The owners of this board can delete our posts and ban us from posting in the future - all without violating the First Amendment.



Francis Morin 08-10-2010 09:21 AM

So- "Who's On First?"
Would you believe Abbott & Costello? Sure there are limits to our First Amendment- You or I cannot stand up in a crowded public venue and yell "Fire" and cause a panic/stampede and not get in serious trouble- BUT- IMO anyway, if a fellow PGCA starts a topic or thread and a Forum participant chimes in- as long as the basic rules set up by the BOD of the PGCA are followed (common courtesy to the other fellow and the possibility he may have a different experience/viewpoint) let's live and let live.

I treasure All Ten Amendments- but as a Christian (Roman Catholic) and a Honorably Discharged veteran (USMC) it does bother me that a person like Madlyn Murray O'Hair can freely espouse her atheistic dogma, or that the piss-headed Hippies can burn OUR FLAG and be protected from harm for doing so- Until I recall such lads as Ernst Rohm, Benito Mussolini and old Adolph and what they did 70-80 years ago in Europe to folks who dared to speak their mind publicly- and then the hippies and atheists don't seem quite as harmful in comparison--

George Orwell (aka- Eric Blair) when he wrote the classic "Animal Farm" had the linchpin of equality in mind when he wrote "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others"--:bigbye:

Mike Shepherd 08-10-2010 11:20 AM

Ahh. But if an atheist started posting arguments about religion and philosophy on here and the moderators deleted the post and banned the atheist his First Amendment rights would not be violated as this is a private site and the action was taken by it's owners.

I don't mind you arguing some tolerance of off topic topics. I am just pointing out that banning them here doesn't have anything to do with the First Amendment. If Attorney General Eric Holder was sending cease and desist orders and going to court to get a restraining order to cause Mr. Charlie Cleveland to cease posting off topic here then you could logically invoke the First Amendment as cause to let Charlie continue to post off topic.



Ed Blake 08-10-2010 11:39 AM

Mike - Some friendly advice when you find yourself in a dialogue with Francis. Take a hammer, the larger the better, and whack yourself in the head a few times. There now, feel better?

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