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Mike Koneski 12-23-2017 09:32 AM

And so the fun continues!!
We tried, unsuccessfully, to breed our English Setter boys to a fine Louisiana lass from the Royal Sterling line. We were told we could have the pick of the litter anyway as Danny would be breeding Minnie. She gave birth on Monday, 12/18!! 7 pups, 4 females. We're hoping for a tri-color female to add to our hunting fun. Looking to maybe do some Fox Hollow Setter breeding in the future. :)

Dean Romig 12-23-2017 09:16 PM

What style of setters Mike, Ryman?


Mike Koneski 12-24-2017 09:07 AM

Yes Dean, Ryman type. There is a smidge of Decoverly and Pine Coble in them. We like larger Setters. Our pup when full grown should be around 55 lbs. Our boys now average 70.

Mike Koneski 01-26-2018 02:53 PM

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A couple weeks until she arrives!!!

Dean Romig 01-26-2018 02:57 PM

Looks like you got the Tri you were hoping for.


CraigThompson 01-26-2018 04:44 PM

Nothing against the English Pointers a good many like , but if I EVER decide to get any pointing breed again it'll be an English Setter . Setters of any variety have always been more pleasing to me than a pointer . Every time I look at a pointer it reminds me of a hound . Again that's just me and don't take anything away from the breed . I suppose you could say it's all about aesthetics , but then to a certain degree I would say a fellow that shoots a SxS over a pump or semi is kinda about aesthetics as well 😉👍🏻

Bill Murphy 01-26-2018 04:49 PM


Phillip Carr 01-26-2018 10:24 PM

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I love the looks of Setters. For educational purposes I post the following pictures.:):):)


Phillip Carr 01-26-2018 10:26 PM

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CraigThompson 01-27-2018 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Phillip Carr (Post 233978)
I love the looks of Setters. For educational purposes I post the following pictures.:):):)


As I said to each his own , I still think they look like hounds .

CraigThompson 01-28-2018 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Bill Murphy (Post 233942)

NP !

Mike Koneski 02-21-2018 09:29 AM

Last week our breeder arrived here with the pups. Dixie wound up going to friends of ours due to her failing the BAER test. She can hear, but there is a distinct hearing loss so we are not able to breed her. SO, we do have another tri-color coming from Iowa. She is a chestnut/orange tri and her name is Ransom's Royal Calliope. We will call her Calli. She is 3 months old and we look forward to having her join our pack. :D She arrives Saturday!!

Mike Koneski 02-21-2018 09:34 AM

2 Attachment(s)
Here is Calli!!

Chuck Bishop 02-21-2018 10:22 AM

Mike, the dog looks just like you:eek:

Mike Koneski 02-21-2018 10:52 AM

That pup does look like a winner!!!! ROLL TIDE!!!!

Mike Koneski 02-21-2018 10:54 AM

BTW, Phil C, how did you get that Setter to run lions????

Phillip Carr 02-21-2018 11:13 AM

He was just carrying the water for the other dogs.:)

Todd Poer 02-21-2018 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Mike Koneski (Post 236499)
That pup does look like a winner!!!! ROLL TIDE!!!!

Are you a Bama fan living in PA?

Dean Romig 02-21-2018 11:58 AM

What a pretty pup!!


Mike Koneski 02-21-2018 02:25 PM

Down Yonder, yes sir I am!! Since back when Bear was coaching there.

Harold Lee Pickens 02-21-2018 05:03 PM

Chuck, that dog is way better looking than Mike!!

Chuck Bishop 02-21-2018 05:17 PM

Guess you won't be at the Expo this Saturday huh Mike.

Dave Tatman 02-21-2018 10:11 PM

Mike, I was with the Ohio State team that played Alabama in the 1978 Sugar Bowl. It was Woody Hayes against Bear Bryant. First (and only!) time those two coaching icons met on the field. I could tell a million stories about those times, but suffice it to say that Bear and his boys put a butt whoopin' on us to the tune of about 35-7. But it was a classic period of time, for sure, to be remembered for decades to come. I will always say, "Go Bucks", but that bowl game made me tired of hearing "Roll Tide"....

Is there a better game than college football?? I think not. My bride and I are headed into our 38th season this fall of season tickets for the Buckeyes in Columbus, and every game day is just as thrilling as the first time I ran onto the field with my teammates in 1976.


Harold Lee Pickens 02-21-2018 10:35 PM

Ha, I was at THE OSU in 1978--and always had season tickets. Actually have 3 degrees from OSU. Rode the elevator at the student union one day with Woody-never forget that. My son had an invite to talk to OSU tennis coach, but decided to be a big fish in a little pond and went on to become the #1 player at Duquesne University, D-1 in Pittsburg, just an hour from home.

Mike Koneski 02-22-2018 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Chuck Bishop (Post 236532)
Guess you won't be at the Expo this Saturday huh Mike.

No sir I won’t!

Mike Koneski 02-22-2018 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Harold Lee Pickens (Post 236529)
Chuck, that dog is way better looking than Mike!!

I detect a hint of jealousy out there!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!

Eric Eis 02-22-2018 08:43 AM

Mike, I think more then a few people agree with Harold's statement....!

Mike Koneski 02-22-2018 04:42 PM

Listen to you!!!!!!! :rotf: Not feeling the love here Eric!! You've been around Richie for way too long!! :shock:

Todd Poer 02-22-2018 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Mike Koneski (Post 236513)
Down Yonder, yes sir I am!! Since back when Bear was coaching there.

Wow you are a pilgrim in an unholy land, for Alabama Football. Though, I do recall that there was a faction living up there during hey day when Alabama and Penn State had their storied series. Yep my fraternity chapter had a running bet with chapter at Penn State. Those Penn State boys were crazy and I thought we were bad in college, but enough of that.

BTW one of my prized possessions is an autographed football from Bryant's 315 team including Mal Moore's signature. Saw Mal at an event about 2 years before he passed and told him about it. He said hang on to it, not alot of them out there especially with whole team signature that he could recall hearing about or even remembered being signed. It was pretty special to have a ball signed because someone had to take the ball and chase everyone down. Luckily my sister was good friends with a football manager and he had it signed about mid September way before they even felt certain that their team would be able to break the record. Asked Mal if he had any autographs or momentos like his first paycheck or something with Bryant's signature or something, just thought it was harmless question. Man cut his eyes almost pissed that I asked that. He said "Naw I don't have any of that stuff, besides if a I got anything from Bryant he would tell us we weren't worth it." Bear was rough on his boys but deep down he cared about em but would not let on but he was about as loyal to them as coaches and players were to him. Those were some gritty times and he would fire and hire em back all in the same day.

Dave, that is awesome about your playing days at Ohio State. What an experience, I hope your not tore up too bad from those days. A lot of my coaches played for Bryant in the 60's and they were some tough hombres and coached like Bryant, but they had a some lingering ailments even back then. Saw one of them the other day that is still great friends with my mom and dad, except he is having trouble now a days. Ol' Urban has it going and reloading the cupboard up there. He made up for that one that got away from OSU in inaugural playoff series.

Agree, College football is a wonderful sport. I think next year will be a wild one and think there will be some surprises next year. The parody of talent level is to close across the board nowadays. Its always interesting.

Mike Koneski 02-22-2018 07:58 PM

Todd and Dave, great memories for sure!! Todd, you’d be surprised how many Tide fans are in our area. Not just PA Copperheads, but plenty of boys here in the gas field. A lot of them shoot at our place. We also have plenty of “coon asses” too!! They don’t say much after the Bama-LSU game. :)

Todd Poer 02-22-2018 08:47 PM

Ya know Mike I don't doubt it a bit. Even when I was in school 30% of the people I knew there were from out of state, and I mean from way up north. It was fun and we had some great times with those carpetbaggers. BTW I also have a Saban signed football as well. Wife's family is from Louisiana and kid of recent next door neighbors to in laws wears the tiger mascot costume at the games. Boy I have had some fun with him the last few years. I live in Atlanta and sadly all my Georgia fan neighbors are still walking around like zombies, Kirby will get it done for them though sooner than later. If you want to be the man, you got to beat the man.

Last quick story because could ramble on for days about stuff. My coach told me when he played at Bama, they were behind late in a game they were supposed to win easily but everyone played Alabama tough even back then. It was fourth and goal and they run a play in from sideline, except it wasn't a play. The flanker that ran the play in said to quarterback, "Coach said he trusts you and just call the play that you think will work, by the way Coach also said that if we don't score we might not want to show up for next practice" They all knew what that meant and the running back could have walked in untouched.

Mike Koneski 02-23-2018 09:20 AM

That's a great story. Don't want to get on the bad side of Coach!! :whistle: Maybe someday we'll meet at a shoot and you can ragale me with plenty of TIDE stories!! Until then, Roll on!!

Todd Poer 02-23-2018 11:32 AM

Yep good times and btw Coach Bryant was a big time bird hunter in his day after the football season was over, but he would sneak in a few hunts between Thanksgiving and Christmas later on in his career.

Grew up with setters and brittanies and hope your new pup turns out to be a good one. You will have to believe me on this one but if I were you I would this early summer introduce that puppy to water and swimming. Was around a lot of good bird dogs like pointers and setters but best bird dog we ever had was an English setter that came from a breeder in Jasper, Alabama which was in coal country. He could find em and hold em better than any dog I have ever seen, and it was a trait that he passed to several litters he sired and we saw a lot of his offspring work over the years. Dog was a consummate bird pointing professional and very mild mannered and almost timid around others, but molest his point and he would light into an offending dog before you could get to him. I hate to say it but he had alot of Bryant qualities, he made other dogs around him better.

His only downfall was that he never learned to swim as a young dog and he also had a physiology problem for swimming. He was such an athlete that his muscle mass made him look like the Arnold Schwarzenegger of bird dogs but he only weighed about 50 lbs. Our hunting stomping ground was a around a big creek bottom with soybean fields with the hills above. We would walk the field edges and catch the coveys that always flew down into thick cover along the creek. We would hunt the singles and without fail a few times a year we would shoot one that land in the creek and old Rip would not hesitate and go charging after it. He always got the bird but as soon as he lost momentum in that deep creek that back end would sink and we would have to go get him if water was to deep for him to touch bottom and it seems to me that was always the case. That dang creek was deep and some places over 20 feet deep. Its hard to believe but all dogs can't swim but they can learn it if introduced at early age. Old Rip never did learn. He was good for about 20 feet in straight line but if he had to change direction back in deep water it was go time to go get him and that dang creek had all kind of strainers and dead falls in it. Btw which was great for wood ducks.

I used to think after about the umpteenth time we had to go wade in after him that he wanted us to get wet. Every time we hauled him out he either had this appreciative grin or shit eating grin and it was dang hard to tell, but that damn dog could not swim very good and never had a fear of the water. We made a point afterwards that every new puppy we got, that dog would know how to swim.

One day need to commission a painting of the day my dad had to crawl down a tree head first to snag Rip that got hung up in tree branches of that deep creek, we thought he was goner for sure for this time but dad crawled out there and was able to grab him by scruff of the neck and because his feet was above his head that was all he could do. A buddy of his had to crawl along the tree so dad could pass Rip to him. It was a sight and Rip never did let go of that bird and once they got Rip on the log he shook water on them walked over top of them and brought the bird to me that I just so happened to be walking up in time to see the spectacle. Gawd I wish we had cell phones with cameras back then.

Chuck Bishop 02-23-2018 12:59 PM

Boy, this thread sure went off topic!

Todd Poer 02-23-2018 01:48 PM

Nah, it just took a temporary detour, but what is not to like talking about dealings with bird dogs and college football. I don't think we can get any safer topics than that. I think we are all in violent agreement that Parkers are the best sxs shotgun ever made on this side of the pond. A conversation on politics and what looks like a fumbling football drill on impending gun regulations and restrictions would be way to intense.

Btw Chuck just noticed where you hail from, sorry if treaded on your sensibilities. BTw Franklin is a great coach and will have Nittany Lions back. If he can make Vanderbilt competitive in the SEC, which is like boxing Ali with arm tied behind your back, he can have Penn State back in the hunt. This year was a good start and glad to see Penn State football roaring back.

Mike Koneski 02-23-2018 02:30 PM

Don't be nice to Chuck about PSU football. We go back and forth every fall!! It is amazing how dogs have such differing qualities even out of the same breed. We have ponds here and I always did tinker on the notion to get the Setters swimming in summer. Might just do that this year? Good idea Todd.

1 more day until Callie arrives. I'll have pics here probably Sunday. Stay tuned, same Bat Time, same Bat Channel.

Todd Poer 02-23-2018 04:12 PM

If you start her make sure its shallow and firm and not a steep drop off that she can wade easily back and forth until one day she will just swim. Don't push her or put her in a position where head can go under, that will just frighten em like little kids. Make it big fun if she has toy she likes to play with at first. We had setters and labs and once we got the setters going in the water they started liking it just as much as the lab.

Actually we had ulterior motives in training setters to swim when we are at lull between brittanies. Every now and again we would jump a woodie on that creek and we always worked on our setters to do basic retrieval while learning to swim and they would go get those woodies if we would down one. It only happened a few times but they did it pretty good.

Mike Koneski 02-23-2018 04:28 PM

Thanks for the tips. I am not a water fan. Don't like it wide or deep!! We can jump woodies here too but our creek is about 6' at the widest and 1 or 2 spots where it might be 24" deep.

Todd Poer 02-23-2018 05:56 PM

Cheap rubber hip waders will do the trick to work with her and then you can use them to wade the branch. Heck I know plenty of birds dogs that have never needed to nor put into situation where they would ever need to swim in their whole life. We just happened to hunt terrain where it was needed and got to play mythbuster about how all dogs can swim.

Mike Koneski 02-25-2018 10:52 AM

5 Attachment(s)
Here she is!!

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