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Mike Koneski 05-10-2020 12:10 PM

BINGO!!!! Those who are easily compromised should stay home. The rest of us should move freely about the country. Small businesses can't afford unfunded shut-down mandates. We are ALL "essential".

Jim DiSpagno 05-10-2020 12:20 PM

For those of you that live in a relatively less populated area, you really have no idea how deadly this virus is. We’ve lost five good friends who were relatively healthy in the last 6 weeks. It’s like 9/11 in the NYC area. You had to be there to really get a grasp of what happened. We lost 20 friends and close neighbors that day and our daughter still suffers from PTSD from being there. A little inconvenience now is no buggy. Talk isolation then think about what our POWs endured and be thankful. JMHO

Joe Graziano 05-10-2020 12:56 PM

Amen, Mike! Well said. I’m getting the hell out of NOVA very soon. First, taking my family to Florida to enjoy the beach, restaurants, some normalcy. Then, moving out of the miserable northeast this summer.

Mike Koneski 05-10-2020 04:43 PM

Jim, sorry you lost some friends. That's a terrible thing. The higher numbers of death in urban centers is no reason to lock down the rest of the nation. NYC, LA, Philly, etc are like living in a sardine can. Anything can spread quickly there. The seasonal flu has a higher mortality rate than the Wuhan. 99.5+% recovery rate from everything we've seen including the major cities. Another thing, the largest outbreaks are found around large international airports. Wonder if there's any connection there? (He asks sarcastically) Once again, if one falls into the demographic of the highest mortality rate then by all means stay home. If one does not feel well, stay home (that goes for any time, not just now). Crippling the economy and ruining businesses and the lives associated with them will be worse than the casualties the virus causes. Wait until food prices spike. Wait until the governors whine about budget shortfalls due to lack of sales tax revenue and they want across the board tax increases.

There's more to this than just an outbreak of a virus. My spidey sense is tingling.

Daryl Corona 05-10-2020 05:52 PM

Don't get me started. The sheeple driving in their cars wearing the mask and gloves are beyond stupid. I have yet to wear a mask because they do more harm than good. The mask is as effective against this virus as your underwear is against a fart. I, like Mike F., worked 40 years to build a business and I'm not going to comply. Some pinheaded politician telling me I'm not essential is a real joke. Rant over as I don't want to end up in the Parker hoosgow.

Harold Lee Pickens 05-10-2020 06:13 PM

West Virginia was the very last state to record a covid 19 case. In the entire Northern Panhandle -- one of the most populous areas of WV, we have had 1 death and cases under 100. our close neighbors to the west, Ohio and Pa. to the east are much more affected.
Don't know what I would do if I had a business to run. I now feel blessed that I closed my practice and retired in November, I don't know how I would handle this if still open--not well, I'm sure.

Dean Romig 05-10-2020 06:17 PM

EVERYBODY is essential to their own well being and to that of their families and to those who depend on them - make no mistake about it.


Bob Kimble 05-10-2020 06:51 PM

Does anyone know a government worker that's been deemed nonessential?
They're all getting a paycheck.

Mike Koneski 05-10-2020 07:15 PM

Sorry guys, but I didn’t help keep this thread on track. Austin asked if Ernie was open for business. I do know that there is an informal 5-Stand “League” with the Vintage chapter from NY on a Wednesday evening. $5/round, please bring exact change. Bring your own lawn chair too so Ernie doesn’t have to wipe benches down. I would contact Ernie or Tom Snyder for more info.

Austin J Hawthorne Jr. 05-10-2020 10:17 PM

Thanks Mike...and a trip to the Rock is on my to do list.

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