View Full Version : Hero of the day

Mills Morrison
10-16-2020, 08:42 PM
A baby rattlesnake got into our house this morning and Sherwood found him and barked until Julia came and saw it. I was in the early voting line and had to help her virtually kill it. Fortunately, Sherwood had snake avoidance training so he recognized the danger and did not get bit (as far as I can tell). It was steak night tonight and he got generous helpings.

Moral of this story. Snake avoidance training works and is a must

David Noble
10-17-2020, 02:51 AM
Those baby rattlers can be worse than a grown one! I'm glad all turned out well.

Dean Romig
10-17-2020, 05:21 AM
What kind of rattlesnake is it?


Reggie Bishop
10-17-2020, 06:31 AM
Looks like a timber rattlesnake.

Dean Romig
10-17-2020, 06:35 AM
Hmmm, I thought it looked like a pygmy rattler.
But I don’t live in the South and have no experience with them whatsoever.


Harry Collins
10-17-2020, 08:39 AM
Looks like Julia left some flat spots on the snake. Every time I see a snake in the yard I wonder what it's doing out of the house.

Mills Morrison
10-17-2020, 08:45 AM
He's a dead rattlesnake now. Probably a timber ratller

Mills Morrison
10-17-2020, 08:49 AM
We had some the size of dinosaurs at Lebanon but never in the house. In the garage a few times